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Professional Competencies


- Collaborated successfully with a local gym to sponsor a place to train and equipment

- Worked as a team to raise money for travel and competitions through a t-shirt fundraiser

- Built professional relationships in the community to provide volunteer/growth opportunities for my teams

- Worked with and led multiple diverse class groups to complete semester-long projects on time

- Successfully organized team outings/bonding opportunities on varying teams

- Worked as a team to get clients' long lasting results as a personal trainer and nutrition coach

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- Listened actively and effectively to ensure that teammates felt heard and supported

- Clearly communicated expectations and scheduling with clients and coaches

- Communicated issues with team members and bosses in a timely manner to avoid problems

- Managed a roster of 50 residents to provide opportunities for engagement and avoid issues

- Maintain positive relationships with community members and gym owners in order to host workshops and events at the gym

Project and Task Management

- Recruited 5 athletes to the first ever Olympic weightlifting team at my high school through fliers and open team trainings

- Researched, scheduled, and bought flights, hotel rooms, and registration for 15 athletes on a limited budget with only a two-week notice

- Designed and launched my own business while working a full time job and completing classes

- Organized and hosted over 30 school wide events, 5 with over 50 people in attendance

- Managed my own business, grad level courses, full time athletic training, work as a grad assistant, and work as a resident director for over a year 

- Designed and implemented 3 new classes at my gym with high attendance

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Continuous Learning

- Sought out and completed a mentorship program for my online nutrition coaching business 

- Identified opportunities for growth through a customer feedback survey and implementing changes

- Went back to school to get my MBA after taking two years off after earning my undergrad degree

- Worked with a life coach to identify areas of weakness and opportunities for improvement

- Wrote and edited programming for a diverse group of athletes, often having to adapt on the
fly with different weaknesses and strengths

- Completed a workshop on breath work and ice baths in order to improve recovery as an athlete

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