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Welcome to Lifelong Diet by Design, get ready to redefine your relationship with food.

Are you tired of feeling controlled by food cravings and diet rules?

Discover a guilt-free approach to eating and reaching body composition goals.

Learn intuitive skills to eat when you're hungry, and stop when you're satisfied.

Break free from restrictive dieting and constant thoughts about food.

Learn how to prep food in a way that adds fun and flavor to your life.

Embrace a balanced lifestyle that celebrates personal well-being.

Break the binge-eating cycle; take control of emotional eating.

Learn how to implement what you already know.

Gain confidence in your choices.

Struggling with yo-yo dieting?
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"I learned so much about nutrition and it really was an eye opener for me. I initially went into this wanting to hit a certain goal weight but what I wasn't expecting was all of the extras that came along with it."

— Sharyn, Mother of two, gym goer


"As a busy executive and athlete, I needed to align my diet with my demanding lifestyle. Liz helped me dial in my nutrition in order to achieve top finishes in CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting. She always made me feel good about something that I was probably being too hard on myself about. There was a balance of accountability but also acknowledging the wins that I had."

— Crysta, Competitive Crossfit Athlete and Busy Executive

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"For years, I struggled with various diets and tracking methods, only to find myself overwhelmed by food anxiety during holidays, vacations, or tough weeks. My journey to 'Total Food Freedom' began with Liz. Her approach has transformed my relationship with food, bringing mindfulness and understanding about what truly serves me. Now, I enjoy meals more, feel connected with those around me, and have significantly reduced my food-related stress."

— Mike, Gym Goer and Brand New Pilot


"I was skeptical about achieving total food freedom when I started with Liz, given my lifelong struggles with food. However, the past 7 months have been transformative. I now savor my meals like never before, understand my hunger cues, and fuel my activities effectively, eliminating my afternoon snack cravings. Even more, I enjoy treats without guilt and have shed weight effortlessly. Thanks to Liz, I now possess the tools to maintain this 100% food freedom. Thank you, Liz, for this incredible journey!"

— Jeanne, Outdoor Adventure Seeker

  • Book a consultation call with Coach Liz to learn more about her coachi...

Problem 👉 Solution

Clients come to me feeling stuck in a frustrating cycle. They're tired of bland and boring meal prep and long lists of food rules. They struggle with guilt and shame around not doing what they know they "should" be. The constant preoccupation with food and weight is exhausting, leaving them longing for a change that feels sustainable and realistic. If you seek balance but fear losing control, and desire having a healthier relationship with food, then I am the coach for you. 

In my coaching, I guide you through a transformative journey to cultivate awareness and intuitive eating skills. In a judgment free space, we explore your experiences and collect data in order to identify what serves you best. You will gain a deeper connection and trust with your body while building your intuitive eating toolbox and rediscovering the joy of eating! It's not just about food; it's about building a healthier, happier relationship with yourself and your life.

Your Path to Food Freedom: A Tailored Journey with Proven Steps

Tools and Techniques: I provide daily accountability checks through an easy-to-use app to keep you on track. You'll also get access to resources and techniques centered on behavioral change.

Client Journey: Your journey with me is a step-by-step process that starts by building a foundation of awareness and gradually move towards more tailored strategies for food freedom and empowerment. 

Expected Outcomes: By the end of our time together, you can expect to have a healthier relationship with food, a better understanding of your body's needs, and a toolkit of strategies for long-term health!

Meet Your Guide to Food Freedom

I was the girl who believed that being skinny was the key to love and respect. My journey took me from restrictive eating and excessive exercise to a transformative realization through Crossfit and Weightlifting, where I learned the importance of nourishing my body. Yet, it was only when I encountered intuitive eating and nutrition mindset that I truly embraced food freedom. I learned to enjoy food without guilt, to trust my body, and to understand that my worth is not tied to my weight. I also learned that emotional eating is an absolutely healthy part of being a human being.


Are your thoughts true, useful, and compassionate? 

If not, what are you doing to change that?

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